Learning Through Play
Starlight Room
Our youngest children are our most vulnerable and need a well-protected environment which is calm and peaceful. Â Our baby room has been designed with just this in mind. Here your baby will be introduced to a range of play activities which they can explore and investigate in safety it also has rest areas where babies can 'take a break' from the active busy day.

Sunbeam Room
Children of this age need to be active, they learn by 'doing', by examining and investigating everything around them, they are looking for fun and exciting opportunities to occupy them, whilst also having the opportunity to try out new things and find out how things work and take a nap when necessary.
Rainbow Room
All staff are aware of the importance of preparing children for their next steps this also includes the children going into full time education, for example helping them to become more independent with self help skills. Our outdoor area is an extension of our room, we have an open door policy where the outdoor area is free to access throughout the session, where free play can be taken advantage of as well as adult led activities which are planned for are taken place.

Breakfast/ After School and Holiday Club
We aim to make life a little easier for working parents, by bridging the gap between school times and working times! We offer breakfast club for children up to the age of 11 years, Afterschool for children up to 8 years old and holiday club for children up to the age of 6 years old.