Starlight Room
We offer a quiet and peaceful baby room which is also stimulating and attractive. We want the babies in our care to feel calm and relaxed and our colour scheme creates an atmosphere of restfulness. Within the room we have created a special quiet area where we have cots and cushions for the babies to rest and have a sleep. Our youngest children are our most vulnerable and need a well-protected environment which is calm and peaceful.  Our baby room has been designed with just this in mind. Here your baby will be introduced to a range of play activities which they can explore and investigate in safety it also has rest areas where babies can 'take a break' from the active busy day. We understand that babies of this age need lots of cosy cushioned spaces that they can snuggle in to when they just need to have some quiet time. Staff will make sure that children have some ‘one to one’ cuddle time throughout the day so they continue to feel loved and cared for while in nursery.
Younger babies rely more on their senses to learn, they pick up on body language and tone of voice and are attracted to music, lights and smell. We have developed an environment that is 'sensory rich', offering a range of equipment, resources and activities that children can touch, smell, hear and see, while also having opportunities to be physically active and try things out for themselves.
Our older babies are introduced to many messy tactile experiences such as cornflour, gloop and music to help develop their creativity. They can explore soft bricks, posting boxes and fit together toys, which helps to develop their intellectual thinking and also their fine motor skills.
A daily diary sheet is filled in by members of staff within the room to let you know about your child’s day.